Gone viral

Well it finally happened. After years upon years of documenting my life in this blog and via social media, I have gone viral.

As with most overnight sensations, my big break was just a matter of being in the right place at the right time… with a large breed dog who has a peculiar reaction to emergency vehicles.

There were a lot of firsts that happened last week: first time hitting +75K anything; first time licensing agents contacted me about selling my content; first time I got jealous of a puppy.

I guess that’s what happens when you share a social media account with your far more charming pet. You realize that you can be out there doing actual flips and hardly anyone will give a shit. But post a video of your dog whining over your husband’s boo-boo thumb and the internet will go wild about their “Roger and Pongo” energy.

Don’t get me wrong, I love that tens of thousands of people have endorsed Bravo’s cuteness. I’m flattered that 1500 signed up to follow him. I appreciate that the video of him yawning, literally yawning, has racked up more likes than all my personal videos combined.

But still, a small part of me wishes that I was the one having the moment. That I had been able to break through the noise and charm the audience. That the licensing agents who contacted me didn’t ask what other videos I had on file, but if I had a chapter or two ready to share.

I think a lot of fellow writers will understand what I mean. When you take the time to be thoughtful, when you put in the effort to produce something you think is worthwhile and of value, it can seem a bit insulting to get eclipsed by a short-circuiting Dalmatian. Also: Did I mention the flip???

If I don’t want to share the spotlight with my dog, then I suppose the obvious solution is that I shouldn’t post content of my pet. But here’s the thing: My dog is great. It would be a shame not to let the world get to know him.

Besides, the thing about animal content is that our collective appetite is insatiable. One great dog clip simply drives demand for the next. Because of dogs, people have come to love otters, foxes, even cats! The market exists because we, the audience, demanded it – not because an editor or a brand or some other gatekeeper told us that we should.

I’m hoping the same is ultimately true of writers. That maybe if enough of us are out here writing things that speak to people, that readers identify with, then it will drive demand for more. That one great voice will create space for another. That someone else’s success doesn’t mean that anyone has lost their chance, but that there will be more opportunity.   

But if not, at least I have my dog. And my flip.

7 comments to “Gone viral”
  1. Well, he is adorable. I know what you mean, though. I post a picture of my cat looking goofy or furry or sleepy and everyone goes awwww. I post a thoughtful bit of stuff and it just sits there like a rock in the river.

    It’s not his fault he’s cute, you know.

  2. Congrats!! You deserve recognition. I know I can’t compete with my dog–a corgi-shepherd mix. My husband and I stop what we are doing about 10 times a day because we can’t get over how cute he is, and so sweet. And he’s 12!🐺🧡

  3. Both your aerial silks videos and your dog videos are delightful :) One thing my circus teacher always taught us though, is that your average audience has no idea how difficult or easy a skill is, so it’s all in the presentation. And I guess the volume of people who go to TikTok to look at cute dogs is higher than the volume of people who have even heard of aerial silks…although the Instagram aerial dance community is fairly active!

    • OMG, your instructor is so right. I once went to a performance and saw the audience applaud wildly when someone put on footlocks. Sigh. Gotta make the set up part of the show :) thank you for reading. i hope my aerial skills and dog’s cuteness continue to progress <3

  4. Aww. Very cute video! I’m newer to tiktok, but following you now. My kids are mortified I have set up an account. They’re following me but won’t allow me to see their content.

    I’m impressed with your aerial skills! The climbing gym I go to has lessons. I’m halfway thinking of doing it, but it looks like I could easily pull a groin muscle or something.

    • i love tiktok, but i do realize that just me being on tiktok is “ruining” tiktok for the youth. but look. i need my dog videos.

      you should definitely take a lesson! risk of injury exists BUT i think it’s lower than you would think. I say YES to the CLASS!

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