I’m not into politics

Hiiiiiiiiii. I got your message about voting. Thanks for the reminder!! <3 I’m actually still on the fence. Not about the candidate, but about, like, doing it at all. Because, as you know, I’m just not into politics.

Like, it’s exhausting! Just exhausting. I’m so tired of it that I can’t even think of another word. I mean, I watched that debate—or, OK, I saw a clip of it on The View and that was enough for me! It was just two old dudes shouting over each other and then some third guy who was even older not helping at all. And I was like, you want to get this thing under control? Call a mom who’s been home with her kids since March. She can run a debate! But don’t ask me, because I’m not into politics.

Anyway, I know this is unpopular, but I have to say it: Both sides! I’m sorry, but it’s true! Both sides are just so exhausting. Like, one guy is a racist or a rapist or whatever song we’re singing today, and the other guy is like… old. And it’s the same as last time. I don’t like my choices!

I mean, I know at the beginning I had 14 choices or something but that was too many choices! I don’t have time to wade through all these people and their ideas. And like, half the candidates I never even heard of and then the other half were, like, people who have been in the game forever. And none of them were speaking to me. You know what matters to me? Money. I want a candidate who’s just going to give me free money – let’s say $1000 a month, no questions asked. That’s what I want. I’d vote for him. Or her. Whatever.

Look, it’s not going to matter anyway. Like, let’s be real. What you do you really think is going to happen if we reelect this guy? Tanks are going to come rolling through the streets? People are going to start rioting? They’re going to call in the secret police? No. Everyone needs to calm down. Stop acting like choosing the president is a matter of life and death. No one’s going to die if we elect a republican, OK? No one’s going to die.

Butttttt I will admit that the one thing that freaks me out a little bit is the whole Supreme Court thing. Because Roe v. Wayne, or whatever, but like at the end of the day… so what? That doesn’t really matter to me. I’m almost 40. I got my two kids. Nature’s got me covered at this point. Besides, I have $600. If I happen to get pregnant, I can go to Mexico and solve that problem in the morning and then treat myself to a weekend, which is honestly what I need rn. So yeah, go ahead. Make it illegal. I’ll deal with it.

And I know, I know… I’m ignoring the whole race thing. I don’t even want to go near THAT. I’m not a racist! Everyone knows that. I’m just not comfortable telling other people not to be racist. Is that so terrible? Like, my parents are old. I don’t want to tell them. And my friends aren’t really racist. I mean they’re not very racist. They’re real racists, but like. Come on. What do you want me to do? Sit them down and tell them that I’m disappointed in them? That they’re wrong? That their values don’t match my values? Like, is that really worth losing a friend over? Values? To me, no.

At the end of the day, I’m just really kind of fed up by the whole thing. I don’t know what I’ll do. Maybe I’ll vote and maybe I won’t. None of this matters to me and even though everyone keeps telling me that it matters to them so so so so so so so much, I still just don’t know if I’ll bother. I mean, ugh. Lines! Post office! Talk about two equally bad choices! Anyway. I’ll let you know. Thanks for sending me those links for where I can request my ballot and check if I’m registered and seek medical attention if I’m still not getting how earth shatteringly important this all is.

Love you, miss you!!! Signed,

That friend we all have who needs a good long talk

9 comments to “I’m not into politics”
  1. Ha! You had me for a minute…I was WHAT?! Nova would NEVER let someone else choose her life for her. Phew. I was right, you wouldn’t. Dear Nova’s readers, if you don’t vote, you are indeed letting others choose the life you will lead for a long time to come. Vote.

      • ha! that’s funny. i actually thought it was pretty well-known that I am left-leaning. i feel like i CONSTANTLY talk about politics but i guess that’s just on twitter and in day to day conversation. the blog is mostly apolitical, except for when i’m extolling the virtues of living in a social democracy.

  2. There are so many versions of that letter that could be written, including from a left wing perspective. They couldn’t stand to vote for Hillary. So many are disenfranchised for various reasons. So, thank you for voting!

    • Very true! Lots of people ARE really into politics and there’s not a left-leaning option that’s good enough. I hope they don’t sit it out either.

      I would like to see more parties and no electoral college. I think things would get a lot more productive if it wasn’t just red/blue. and without the electoral college every vote actually counts equally, which is… the point???

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