Top 5: Favorite Places

Only one person bothered to fill out my March Madness worksheet last week. It was a friend from high school and I had no idea that she reads my blog. So that was a pleasant surprise.

In any case, she picked Italy, which is a country that did not even make it out of the first round for me. But, like a girl after my own heart, she wanted to win and decided to make up her own rules. “I had to end up with Italy b/c that’s where my number one place is: Pompeii. But I picked Israel for you.”

She is right. And since no one else even bothered to play, she wins the prize – which was going to be a second-hand guide book about Tel Aviv, but I will change to a Pompeii-themed adult coloring book simply because Amazon tells me one exists.

May you get to Italy soon, old friend.

And now back to me. We already know that Israel tops my list. But what are my other favorite destinations? Counting them down.

5. Canada

When Americans ask me where they should visit, it’s almost always my first recommendation. When foreigners tell me that they want to visit America, I tell them to skip it and head right to Canada instead.


Why? First of all, the whole goddamn place – all 10 million square kilometers of it – is gorgeous.

I love the mountains, but Canada is more than that. There are canyons, badlands, fjords, islands, glaciers and waterfalls. And cities? Yeah, they got those too, if you must.


Long story short: Canada is one of the most underrated destinations in the world. Don’t knock it until you sock it.

4. South Africa

If you like getting drunk on high-quality wine while watching exotic animals, South Africa is the place for you!

No seriously, South Africa is one of those countries that has something for everyone: mountains, beaches, nightlife, wine country, safaris. If you can’t figure out how to have a good time in South Africa, then there’s probably something wrong with you.

For me, Cape Town was the highlight. It’s everything I love in a city: beaches meet mountains; great food and wine; good nightlife; tons of history and culture; and fabulous boutique and local designer shopping. I couldn’t ask for anything more.

3. Peru

No, you didn’t miss South America month. I visited Peru long before my nomad days, back in 2015 when I took a month off in between jobs.

I organize my travels into two categories: before Peru and after. Because that’s the place I stopped vacationing and started traveling.

Personal growth aside, Peru is just an interesting place – so long as you’re interested in Quechua mysticism, ancient folklore, low-grade cocaine and learning that the rapper Tupac is not the first person to make the name famous, which I very much am.

My advice? If you want to go, do it soon. Machu Picchu might have survived the past several hundred years, but I doubt they’ll still let people tramp through it in another ten.

2. New Zealand

Honestly, it was hard to choose between my top two destinations: New Zealand and Israel.

New Zealand has a lot going for it: natural beauty, great food, good wine, friendly people… it’s also a place of total peace. If you want to truly get away, I’d suggest the South Island.

The downside, of course, is that New Zealand is very remote. It takes time and money and effort to get there – and unlike some far-flung destinations, everything is still pretty expensive once you do. Still, I think it’s well worth it.

WINNER: Israel.

Everything. I love everything about Israel.

The food, the history, the culture, the energy, the landscape, the fashion, the people.

It’s one of those places where you can be on the beach in the morning and in the mountains by afternoon. You can visit the tomb of Christ, hike to the Masada fortress and float in the Dead Sea all in one day.

Oh and did I mention the food? Because there is food.

I’d like to stop there, but I can’t. Because I know that someone is bound to bring up Palestine, as though that should preclude Israel from being a tourist destination at all, let alone at the top of the list.

“How could you even go there?” is how people usually put it. “I’d really like to know how you make peace with supporting that country after everything they’ve done.”

It’s pretty easy at the moment. I’m leaving the brokerage of peace in the Middle East in Jared Kushner’s capable hands. I consider it as good as solved.

But in all seriousness, every country in the world is flawed. If I had to rule out destinations because I don’t totally agree with the approach of its leaders or the views of its majority then I wouldn’t be able to visit very many countries, including my own.

Israel is proof positive that one need not be perfect to be a favorite.

Honorable Mention: Europe

So where’s Europe on this list?

That’s another question I often get… the answer to which hardly anyone appreciates because it goes something like this: Europe will be my favourite when I’m OLD.

Here’s the real problem: I like a lot places in Europe. In fact, I could make list of favorite destinations limited to just this continent: Madrid, Venice, Krakow, Amsterdam, Vienna, Copenhagen, and, of course, Helsinki. I can’t choose just one as a favorite. It’s like when you’re having a party and you have to decide if you’re going to invite all your coworkers or none of them.

Part of my problem is also that I traveled Europe like a jacked-up backpacker – hitting a dozen places in a three-month span, two times a year for two years. As a result, the places – different as they may be – tend to blend together. Prague, Krakow and Budapest are a single blur. Austria and Germany may as well be the same country in my mind. The only thing keeping Croatia from bleeding into Montenegro is a pile Game of Thrones paraphernalia.

At the end of the day, the architecture and the food and language may not be the same, but most countries in Europe still feel more alike than different to me.

So yes. Europe deserves to be on the list. Spain, Croatia, Netherlands, Finland – they can all hold their own. But when I think about my favorite places to travel, they don’t quite measure up. They are wonderful and beautiful and interesting, but they fall short of giving me a real adventure. When I need a vacation, though… they’re at the very top of that list.



19 comments to “Top 5: Favorite Places”
  1. I’ve been reading this for a while. I love reading about your adventures and where your life takes you (mostly because it’s so different from mine and I love living through you some times.) I am not happy winning my default though!! HA!

    • A win is a win – enjoy it! And thanks for reading along. At some point you realize it’s not possible to have it all… we’re all living vicariously through each other. Enjoy the house, husband and kid for me!

  2. As a Canadian who lives in Vancouver- I fully support #5 ;) I lived in the UK for a few years and I can definitely attest to how underappreciated Canada is (the most common joke I got was how Canada was part of the US).

    Israel has just moved up on my list! Right after Japan and Brazil for future trips I want to take :) Thanks for the inspiration

    • I fully agree! Vancouver is an amazing city, I really enjoyed it.
      Japan is also on my must-see list… but I probably won’t get there until next year.

  3. Yay, you loved New Zealand!

    If you ever come back I’d love to have you come stay. We’re in Christchurch and we’ve got a spare bedroom and having overseas visitors is great.

    Same offer holds for anyone else reading this blog – just drop a note into the the latest post’s comments if you’d like to take me up on it.

    • I will definitely take you up on that! It’s on my return list for sure! When I was there, I wasn’t able to see Kaikoura because the roads were blocked due to the earthquake. I look at it as insurance that I will be back :)

    • This random stranger would take you up on the offer! We spent 6 weeks in New Zealand several years ago and absolutely loved it. If I had realized there was a contest, NZ would have won hands-down for me.

      Also, we Couchsurf, so staying with strangers doesn’t seem strange at all. :-)

      • I love it! Thanks so much for your generosity Rebecca! I can’t wait to get the local tour when I come back!

    • I have! Now that I’ve settled in Munich (and committed to Helsinki for at least part of the time too), it’s harder to get out and about… and I really miss it. the nomad life isn’t for everyone… but it’s for me for sure. I’m sure I’ll end up doing it again sooner or later… probably sooner, let’s be honest.
      thanks for reading! best of luck if you go to Israel. I hope you fall in love with it too.

  4. I was traveling on business when the worksheet came out. I thought it was a brilliant idea but just didn’t have the time on the road. And, anyway, Morocco jumped off the screen at me so no other place even had a chance. As a tour director I travel extensively for work and pleasure and love your blog. Keep doing what you are doing!

    • thanks so much! glad you enjoy reading… I appreciate it!
      as for Morocco – couldn’t agree more. it’s a special place. I enjoyed my time there… and it’s the one place where I wish I had an extra bag just to buy all the things I fell in love with. maybe next time!

  5. As someone just moved to Canada, I can attest, it’s a great place to visit. Japan and NZ are up there near the top of my list to visit … one day. May I recommend Singapore as a destination, of those who don’t know, it’s amazing too!

    • yes you may! I always take people up on recommendations. I haven’t explored much of Asia or south america… or east Africa for that matter.
      anyway, if you like Canada, then you’ll love New Zealand. What the place lacks in drama (the mountains will look tiny to you!) it makes up for by being so peaceful and pristine.
      Happy travels!

      • Yeah, I moved to Canada and love it. I’ll probably never make it NZ but that’s okay, I have Canada to explore. And yes, you should try SE Asia, it’s stunning.

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